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Protecting the security and privacy of your personal data is very important to us, and we are a law-abiding company that conducts our business in compliance to the prevailing regulation regarding data protection and security. We are committed in building a strong and lasting bond with our customers based on trust and mutual relationship. In line with this philosophy, protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance and this Privacy Policy shall outline the way we collect and process your personal information.

GENIONS collects User information in order to process and ensure smooth running of our website. By submitting your personal information, you hereby approve the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Upon registering as a User on GENIONS website, GENIONS will collect personal data of the User in the form of full name, e-mail address, place and date of birth, reachable phone number, and other information deemed necessary. By providing such information / data, the User understands that GENIONS can ask and receive each information / personal data of the User for the continuity and security of this site.

At the moment the User contacts GENIONS, we will keep records of such correspondence and the communication content between the User and GENIONS.

GENIONS automatically receives and records information from the User’s computer and browser, including IP address, cookies, software and hardware attributes, and pages requested by the User.

GENIONS is committed to protect each information/data of the User submitted to GENIONS and/or collected by GENIONS, utilized electronically by GENIONS. However, GENIONS does not guarantee the confidentiality of such User submitted information, in the event that there are other parties obtaining or utilizing the User’s information against the law and without permission from GENIONS.

Password confidentiality is fully the responsibility of each User. GENIONS is not responsible for any detriment that may be caused by the User’s failure in keeping the confidentiality of his/her password.

GENIONS guarantees that there will be no selling, transfer, distribution or loan of your information/personal data to other third party without your consent. Except, in the event of the followings:

In the event that GENIONS undergoes a full or partial acquisition or merger of its assets with the third party, then the personal data owned by GENIONS will become one of the assets transferred or merged.

In the event that GENIONS is obliged to disclose and/or share the personal data of the User in an effort to comply to a legal obligation and/or in an effort to enact or apply the terms and conditions of the utilization of GENIONS as referred to in the Terms and Conditions of GENIONS Service and/or other agreements between GENIONS and the third party, or to protect the rights, properties, or the safety of GENIONS, the customers of GENIONS, or other party. This matter covers information exchange with other company or organization with the objective of protecting GENIONS and our Users, including but not limited to fraud, financial loss, or other risk mitigation.

Regarding the action of irresponsible parties on the disclosure of the User’s information related to the protection of personal data, or regarding users with fake accounts in the form of Electronic Document or Electronic Information informed to GENIONS, to (amend, utilize fake account, add, reduce, conducting transmission, damage, omit, transfer, hide) the form of Electronic Document or Electronic Information without the right and by violating the prevailing law will be responsible for his own action and be subjected to penalties in accordance to the prevailing Laws and regulations.

We ensure that your personal information is treated confidentially and in accordance with privacy laws. If you are certain that your personal information is subjected to privacy law infringement, or if you wish to access or amend your information in our possession, please reach us by e-mail at Please provide information as comprehensive as possible to help us provide immediate response.

In some cases, we also utilize cookies, small files comprised of letters and numbers which are downloaded into your device when accessing our website. We will use cookies particularly to recognize you on revisiting our website and to display suitable contents that meet your needs.

Generally, web browsers are normally designed to accept cookies, but you can easily change this by modifying your browser setting. However, please note that by deactivating your cookies, you may not be able to use some of our features.

This Privacy Policy may be amended and/or updated from time to time without prior notice. GENIONS suggests that you thoroughly read and study this Privacy Policy from time to time to stay informed regarding any amendment. The continued access and use of GENIONS services imply the User’s approval in the future amendments of this Privacy Policy.

If you wish to file complaint, criticism, suggestion, or any other inquiry, please do not hesitate to reach us at our Contacts.

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